Scholarships & Grants

For scholarship consideration, students should submit completed admission and financial aid applications to St. Joseph Academy. Scholarships and grants are based on each student’s application, written essay, and in-person interview with our Admissions Committee. Scholarship and grant applications as well as award data remain confidential within the Admissions Committee. Likewise, St. Joseph Academy expects families to keep their awards confidential.

  • The Presidential Scholarship is a prestigious award designed to recognize and reward outstanding academic performance, dedication to scholarly pursuits, and a commitment to excellence in education. This scholarship aims to support and encourage individuals who have demonstrated exceptional intellectual capabilities, a strong work ethic, and a passion for learning.

  • St. Joseph scholarships are awarded to students with academic potential, compassionate service, and responsible leadership in society and who demonstrate the foundational values of St. Joseph Academy: Faith, Family, and Future!

  • The Religious Teachers Filippini Scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to community service and civic involvement. This award honors the Filippini Sisters that devoted their lives to the formation of generations of St. Joseph Academy Students. Recipients are students who go above and beyond to contribute to the well-being of their communities.

  • In memory of Steve Rooney, a 1975 St. Joseph High School graduate. The Rooney family selects one applicant from St. Joseph Academy that they feel best reflects their loving father, who was a dedicated student, and involved in extracurricular activities, as well as community service.

  • The Wildcat Grant is a tuition assistance grant awarded to families who qualify upon review of their financial aid application. To complete an application, click here!

  • The Early Enrollment Grant is a tuition discount awarded to families who submit their registration deposit before January 1.

  • The Alumni Legacy Grant is a special recognition and support initiative designed to celebrate the rich tradition of families who have established a legacy and a connection with St. Joseph’s over generations.